--[[ treeautofarm program by The_Lux This program checks a tree farm with given length and width and chops the tree down, when it finds one. ]] -- In which direction should the farm be automated? DIRECTION = 'right' NUM_OF_TREES = 9 TREE_SAPLING = 'oak' TREE_DISTANCE = 3 DISTANCE = 3 WIDTH = 2 -- bring turtle in position if DIRECTION == 'right' then turtle.turnRight() else turtle.turnLeft() end turtle.forward() if DIRECTION == 'right' then turtle.turnLeft() else turtle.turnRight() end while true do -- Wait a few minutes os.sleep(300) for i = 1, WIDTH do -- Check a line of Trees shell.run('treeline.lua', NUM_OF_TREES, TREE_DISTANCE, TREE_SAPLING) -- Go to the next line. But only, if it isn't the last loop if i < WIDTH then if DIRECTION == 'right' then turtle.turnRight() else turtle.turnLeft() end for j = 1, DISTANCE do turtle.forward() end if DIRECTION == ' right' then turtle.turnLeft() else turtle.turnRight() end end end -- Go back to start if DIRECTION == 'right' then turtle.turnRight() else turtle.turnLeft() end for i = 1, ((WIDTH - 1) * DISTANCE) do turtle.forward() end if DIRECTION == ' right' then turtle.turnLeft() else turtle.turnRight() end end