os.loadAPI("modules.lua") -- handle command line arguments local cliArgs = {...} local length = tonumber(cliArgs[1]) local height = tonumber(cliArgs[2]) if length == nil or height == nil or cliArgs[1] == '?' then print('Usage: mining_lane ') print('length = How wide the turtle should dig.') print('height = How high the turtle should dig.') return end -- Check if we have enough fuel. local fuelNeeded = (height + 1) * (length + 1) while (turtle.getFuelLevel() < fuelNeeded) do local missingFuel = fuelNeeded - turtle.getFuelLevel() print("Not enough fuel. Put items in slot 1 in the equivalent of " .. missingFuel .. " fuel") read() turtle.select(1) turtle.refuel() end local front = true -- Main Loop. Dig your tunnel for j = 1, height do for k = 1, length do modules.check_fuel() turtle.dig() turtle.forward() end if j < height then print('executing digup') turtle.digUp() modules.check_fuel() turtle.up() end turtle.turnLeft() turtle.turnLeft() front = not front end -- Go all the way down for tdown = 1, height-1 do modules.check_fuel() turtle.down() end -- If we are away from our starting point go back to your starting point if not front then for tfront = 1, length do modules.check_fuel() turtle.forward() end else turtle.turnLeft() turtle.turnLeft() end -- Puke everything in your inventory out modules.puke() -- Turn left to set the turtle to the starting positin turtle.turnLeft() turtle.turnLeft()