os.loadAPI("modules.lua") function mine_line(length, height) local front = true -- Check if the user enters only 1 length or height. -- This is too short if length == 1 or height == 1 then print('Please choose a number higher than 1 for length and height.') return false end for i = 1, height do for j = 1, length do modules.check_fuel() turtle.dig() turtle.forward() end -- Check if this is the last round to prevent digging up if i ~= height then modules.check_fuel() turtle.digUp() turtle.up() end turtle.turnLeft() turtle.turnLeft() front = not front end -- Everything finisehd, go back to start if not front then for i = 1, length do turtle.forward() end end for i = 1, height - 1 do turtle.down() end end print("How long should I dig?") local length = read() print("How wide should I dig?") local width = read() print("How high should I dig?") local height = read() mine_line(length, height)