--[[ App for building an underwater Pipe --written by TheLux --Check https://i.redd.it/swn3e9w8dyc31.jpg to see --the references for the numbers]] --- Check if the fvcircles API is present -- and load it. We need it if not os.loadAPI('fvcircles.lua') then error('Error! fvcircles.lua is missing. Please insert it into turtle.') end print("How many pipes do you want to build: ") local pipes = read() print("What should be the outer Material (ex. glass): ") local omaterial = read() print("What should be the inner Material (ex. sand): ") local imaterial = read() print("Building a " .. pipes .. " blocks long tunnel") for i = 1, pipes do turtle.down() fvcircles.fvcircle5(omaterial, imaterial, pipes) end print("Done build the tunnel")