--[[Tree Farming program by Al Sweigart Plants tree then cuts it down.]] os.loadAPI('hare') -- load the hare module local blockExists, item local logCount = 0 -- check if choptree program exists if not fs.exists('choptree.lua') then error('You must install choptree program first.') end while true do -- check inventory for saplings if not hare.selectItem('minecraft:spruce_sapling') then error('Out of spruce saplings.') end print('Planting...') turtle.place() -- plant sapling -- loop until a tree has grown while true do blockExists, item = turtle.inspect() if blockExists and item['name'] == 'minecraft:spruce_sapling' then -- "dye" is the name ID for bone meal if not hare.selectItem('minecraft:dye') then error('Out of bone meal.') end print('Using bone meal...') turtle.place() -- use bone meal else break -- tree has grown end end hare.selectEmptySlot() shell.run('choptree') -- run choptree -- move to and face chest turtle.back() turtle.turnLeft() turtle.turnLeft() -- put logs into chest while hare.selectItem('minecraft:log') do logCount = logCount + turtle.getItemCount() print('Total logs: ' .. logCount) turtle.drop() end -- face planting spot turtle.turnLeft() turtle.turnLeft() end