--[[digtunnel program from Sascha Dig a tunnel until bedrock]] os.loadAPI('hare') isBedrock = false level = 0 function comming_back(distance) for i = 1, distance do turtle.up() end end function dig_around() if is_bedrock() then print('Found Bedrock. Comming back') comming_back(level) error('Done') end turtle.dig() turtle.turnLeft() if is_bedrock() == true then print('Found Bedrock. Comming back') comming_back(level) error('Done') end turtle.dig() turtle.turnRight() turtle.turnRight() if is_bedrock() then print('Found Bedrock comming back') comming_back(level) error('done') end turtle.dig() turtle.turnLeft() end function is_bedrock() -- Check if we have Bedrock in Front -- or underneath of us local success, item = turtle.inspect() if success == true and item['name'] == 'minecraft:bedrock' then isBedrock = true return true else return false end local success, item = turtle.inspectDown() if success == true and item['name'] == 'minecraft;bedrock' then isBedrock = true else return false end end while isBedrock == false do -- Dig one level down if is_bedrock() then print('Found Bedrock. Comming back') comming_back(level) error('Done') end turtle.digDown() turtle.down() level = level + 1 -- Dig a 3x3 Tunnel dig_around() turtle.forward() dig_around() turtle.forward() turtle.turnLeft() if is_bedrock() then print('Found Bedrock. Comming back') comming_back(level) error('Done') end turtle.dig() turtle.turnRight() turtle.turnRight() if is_bedrock() then print('Found Bedrock. Comming back') comming_back(level) error('Done') end turtle.dig() turtle.turnLeft() -- place a ladder local success, item = turtle.inspect() if not success then hare.selectItem('minecraft:cobblestone') turtle.place() end turtle.back() hare.selectItem('minecraft:ladder') turtle.place() hare.selectEmptySlot() -- Go back to Start Position turtle.back() end